Jul 9, 2007

Lesson 9 - School 2.0

Kevin Honeycutt's podcast was inspiring. Using technology with students is something that I am passionate about. After much thought and reflection on his Model T project I've thought about an activity that someone may be interested in doing. Now, not being a classroom teacher, I really have no control, but I could help with the technology aspect. Now, I know this sounds far fetched, and probably would never get off the ground, not this year anyway. There are also a lot of unknowns about this but, my idea is having students collaborate about building a community in Second Life. What should be there (schools, churches, post office, houses etc.)? Build these structures, decide what to teach, who should own what, maybe manufacture something useful for the community. Second Life is new to me. It really intrigues me. I read alot about it on blogs. It is definitely something that I need to learn more about, but in THEORY, this project has potential!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think this would be very ambitious, but definitely worth pursuing, once you and I feel a little more comfortable with SecondLife. It would definitely be something to do with older students. Maybe I could even get some classes someplace else in the country to help us. I know of a teacher who does a very ambitious project with 8th graders in SL. Maybe her students could teach our students.