May 22, 2007

Another Reason Why to Blog

I found this video on Teacher Tube. I think it sums up all the reasons why it's a good idea for your students to blog! It was made by Rachel Boyd from New Zealand. I'd love to be a part of any correspondance with her class in New Zealand. Image all the possiblities, the curiosity and the questions that our students would have. Here's the link to get you pumped-up!
Why Let our Students Blog?


LadySaint said...

Hi Dee! I liked the video you linked to -- very simple, yet powerful. Students will be more apt to write if they know their work is being read by more than just the teacher. They may even be more motivated to make sure it is correct and free from errors (wouldn't that be lovely?)

I'm looking forward to trying different blog ideas next fall!

godmother said...

I love the video! I, too, am looking forward to possibly blogging with students from other parts of the world. I'm hoping that blogging assignments will feel more like the students' initiative than mine. Who knows? Perhaps they'll post more blog entries than they've been asked to do!